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Apigenin is a compound found in nature, and Vitruvin Apigenin provides all the benefits of this amazing substance in an easy-to-take supplement. Designed to diminish stress, support better sleep, and deliver a deep state of relaxation, Vitruvin Apigenin boosts the body's ability to rest. Recover faster, and find more balance, so you can feel the benefits of improved mental health and enhanced physical well-being.

gluten free Gluten-Free
Vegan Vegan
non-gmo Non-GMO
Gelatif Free Gelatin-Free

"I’ve always been anxious and this really helps me relax! I’m so glad I finally found something that was natural and effective."

Jane A.

It matters not how long we live but how

Better Quality Sleep

Better Quality Sleep

Vitruvin Apigenin supports relaxation and has a mild sedative effect that leads to an easier time falling and staying asleep. As our bodies require ample quality sleep to recover and operate at the optimal level, Vitruvin Apigenin is an essential component of a healthy life.

Physical Relaxation

Physical Relaxation

Vitruvin Apigenin supplement induces total body relaxation and sedation, providing a calming effect. Relaxation is essential to emotional health as it helps to avoid anxiety, depression, and a lower immune system.

Healthy Stress Levels

Healthy Stress Levels

Experiencing high-stress levels for extended periods can lead to premature aging and a weaker immune system. With Vitruvin Apigenin, you can help your body regulate its nervous system and lower your stress levels so that you can look and feel great year after year.

Cellular Health

Cellular Health

Apigenin fights Oxidative Inflammation so that white blood cells can produce the necessary enzymes to rid the body of bacteria. By increasing the energy in our cells, we ensure that our body’s function remains at peak optimization. This means we're more able to fight and avoid illness and disease.

More Youthful Hair & Skin

More Youthful Hair & Skin

Apigenin has proven to increase the quality of sleep, and has a powerful effect on the look of our hair and skin. During sleep, new collagen is produced, leading to a more youthful complexion. The Vitruvin Apigenin supplement can help you find rest, relaxation, and quality sleep, so your body can repair and produce new cells that boost the appearance of your skin and hair while benefiting your overall health.

Vitruvin Apigenin
Vitruvin Apigenin

Vitruvin Apigenin

Apigenin is a bioflavonoid compound (specifically a flavone) that is found in a wide variety of plants and herbs. Apigenin is often used as a supplement for its relaxing properties and its ability to support sleep quality and stress levels.